
This layer is the base layer of Tairo. It contains shared features across all layers like panels, multi step forms, modals, advanced inputs, etc...


Modules are preinstalled to bootstrap your project with a lot of features and utilities while keeping the flexibility to extend or override them

@shuriken-ui/nuxtBase UI components
@vueuse/nuxtVue composition API utilities
nuxt-icon100,000+ ready to use icons from Iconify.
@nuxtjs/color-modeDark and Light mode for Nuxt with auto detection
@nuxtjs/tailwindcssTailwind CSS integration for Nuxt.js
Take a look at their documentation to see all the features they provide


useMultiStepFormA composable to create forms over multiple pages
usePanelsEasily create and show panels with a lot of features
useToasterShow toasts with ease
useTailwindColorsReactive colors from your tailwind config


The default configuration of Tairo is really simple. It allows you to set the title of your app, the logo of the error page and the panels you want to use. Feel free to add your own configuration keys and use them in your app.


New configuration options are added to the tairo object when you enable layouts, see details in corresponding layer documentation.
